Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is just a very small sample of how it is in Iowa right now. We took a long ride yesterday & everywhere we went, we found roads covered, to put it lightly, blocked etc. People everywhere are scrambling to get themselves & their belongings to safety. We even found out that some of our very good friends in Clarksville lost their house. It is completely under water. We have NEVER seen water this high & we both grew up in this area.
To add insult to injury, the forcast is for more heavy rain & severe weather the next 3 days. But this morning, it is sunny & cool....so we'll just take it day by day, hour by hour.
They say," If He brings you to it, He will see you through it". So we'll hang on to that and move on. Luckily, we live on a hill, so we try to concentrate on helping others however we can. Love to all & KEEP THE FAITH ! Bertha

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